
Tirol Kliniken

Combining freedom with safety at a clinic for young patients
Healthcare solutions

Recovery in a safe, comfortable atmosphere

Tirol Kliniken GmbH is the largest, most multifaceted health care company in Western Austria. After expanding its premises repeatedly in the past few years, the company has turned its attention to its regional hospital in Hall, opening a new facility for patients aged between 4 and 18 within the children’s and youth psychiatric unit. Combining barrier-free access with open-concept architecture, the facility’s aim is to contribute to the rapid recovery of these young patients.

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Recovery in a safe, comfortable atmosphere
Customer requirements

How we manage, easy, flexible administration with a single access solution?

  • Cross-site access management solution for hospitals and care institutions
  • Maximum safety and security for patients
  • Consistently barrier-free design
  • Record of working hours with easy access by the management team
  • Contactless access solutions for different rooms
  • Access solutions with individually programmed access authorizations

Recovery in a safe, comfortable atmosphere
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dormakaba and Tirol Kliniken: working together to meet specific safety requirements

Online access control system

Our exos 9300 online access control system and integrated attendance recording solution meet the strictest security requirements.

Cross-site access management

The centralized access management system for all access points at Tirol Kliniken locations includes roughly 15,000 mechanical locking cylinders with reversible keys, 37 attendance recording terminals (types 97 00 and B-web 93 40), around 1,700 access readers and more than 11,000 ID cards with individually programmed access authorizations for employees.

Barrier-free access

Access to outdoor areas is secured with FFT FLEX Green automatic sliding and special doors to provide barrier-free access for patients and staff.

Contactless accesses with the TouchGo lever handle system with c-leverelectronic door lock

All patient rooms and individual function rooms are equipped with the TouchGo lever handle system with a c-lever electronic door lock.

Occupants use a handheld transponder that they touch against the lock to open the door. This form of contactless access control is part of the building’s open-plan architectural concept. Once the transponder is taken away from the lock, authorization expires and the door locks automatically.

Integrated time recording system

Attendance recording made easy: employees log their working hours at B-web 93 40 terminals, which are easy to use as well as being visually appealing.

“The access solutions from dormakaba meet our requirements above all due to the fact that they are highly customizable.”
Jürgen Schreiber, MSc.
Security Manager at Tirol Kliniken
How can we help?

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access³-ohjelmiston kehittäjä: dormakaba
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Dormakaba International Holding AG

Hofwisenstrasse 24

8153 Rümlang, Sveitsi



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