Commercial solutions

Connected access solutions for commercial buildings

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ISC West Showcase

Commercial Solutions

dormakaba’s latest solutions for commercial buildings were on full display at ISC West! Watch our experts showcase the Alvarado SRD, Alvarado Argus V60, SIA New Products + Solutions (NPS) Award-winning dormakaba Axessor Apexx IP safe lock and RCI YD30.

We’re ready to talk to you about these products and access solutions for every place that matters. Contact us with any questions and find out how we can be your complete partner for door and access systems.

We assist businesses of all sizes in customizing access concepts.

Reception and lobby

The entrance to a corporate building is the first touchpoint for employees and visitors – and one that needs to be controlled. We provide you with automated doors and optical turnstiles to help you manage your people flow more easily.

Special access points and personal safety

In office buildings with multiple levels, doors need to combine different functions and safety requirements, from emergency exits to fire safety doors and more. Our door solutions comply with security regulations to protect people and make access safe.

Employee offices and co-working spaces 

The presence of personal items, valuables and confidential information make access to employee offices and spaces a sensitive matter. To ensure exclusive access for authorized individuals, we offer access control that lets you manage access rights flexibly. 

Conference rooms and meeting spaces 

From conference rooms to lounges and communication spaces, we provide flexible interior glass systems that offer both fixed wall and demountable solutions in an attractive design. We help create a comfortable atmosphere that fosters productivity. 

R&D production areas

Protecting sensitive information starts with authorized access. We offer access systems such as personal interlocks and security revolving doors that combine software with electronic locking mechanisms made of resistant materials.
How can we help?

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