Multifamily solutions

Secure access for smart living

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ISC West Showcase

Multifamily Housing Solutions

dormakaba’s latest solutions for multifamily housing were on full display at ISC West! Watch our experts showcase the dormakaba Lyazon/Saffire EVO, dormakaba Saffire and Community and Keyscan Aurora Integration.

We’re ready to talk to you about these products and access solutions for every place that matters. Contact us with any questions and find out how we can be your complete partner for door and access systems.

We offer a range of smart door solutions for multifamily housing’s numerous challenges.

Protection of premises and main entrance

The protection of the building premises up to the main entrance is crucial. This area should convey a feeling of safety to residents and visitors while providing a positive first impression when entering by providing convenience and security at every opening.

Smart living with intelligent access

Security is one of the most important factors in a tenant’s decision to rent an apartment. Improving the resident experience is one reason multifamily property owners should add smart access control systems in their communities, in addition to the operational efficiencies these solutions provide.

Safety and convenience for tenants, visitors and vendors 

The safety and comfort of all residents in multifamily units is paramount, as is having security solutions for every access point. Different groups of individuals in the building – young and old – have varying physical capabilities.
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