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Hillwood Development

Cool-headed access solutions in the Texas heat
Residential solutions

State-of-the-art integrated access for a multi-unit property

From security and convenience to comfort and entertainment, a home is a “smart” home when it makes day-to-day life easier through automated technology. At Bluestem Village, integrated access control has been used to enhance 322 multifamily housing units, creating an ultra-modern living experience.

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State-of-the-art integrated access for a multi-unit property
Customer requirements

How is convenient, ultra-modern multihousing access achieved?

  • Providing top-class access to smart homes
  • Touchless access to communal and property units
  • An intuitive, easy-to-use, robust software system
  • Option to integrate with smart device management (SDM) platforms and smart living applications
  • Option for users to decide whether they prefer smart living or independent applications for opening their door (whether remotely or on site)
  • Secure, simple guest and visitor management

State-of-the-art integrated access for a multi-unit property
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We develop up-to-date integrated access solutions thanks to exemplary partnerships

Prime benefits
  • User-friendly: a simple and easy way for tenants to access amenities
  • Secure: trusted technology combined with reliable locks
  • Efficient: better access for building maintenance teams
  • Remote: residents can unlock units when away from home

The Hillwood Development Company is setting the bar for smart living by providing integrated access to security, services and amenities as part of a modern, convenient technology solution at its Bluestem Village property (formerly Tacara Village). It is a multi-unit property with various communal areas, including fitness facilities, on-site storage and co-working spaces.

A productive partnership

We worked alongside Dwelo to integrate Saffire smart locks into the Dwelo app. The Saffire LX Series features sophisticated RFID technology with a contemporary design. It’s easy to use, flexible and secure. The locks were designed specifically for multihousing residential properties and can be retrofitted into any environment, delivering exceptional performance and a uniform appearance across the property. It also allows for the use of both RFID credentials such as fobs or key cards and BLE mobile access keys for a seamless experience, with no need for additional software.

All-round convenience

The integration of Saffire not only benefits residents but also maintenance staff. Programming access to multiple units at the same time is simple. One key development implemented by Hillwood was to provide touch-free access for common and unit doors – which demonstrated how simple it is to retrofit properties that are not yet smart-enabled.

“The dormakaba integration with Dwelo is a differentiator for us. We’re the first to offer smart home features in our area. Residents can unlock their doors right from their phone.”
Clara Glover
Director of Multifamily Operations at Hillwood
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Dormakaba International Holding AG

Hofwisenstrasse 24

8153 Rümlang, Sveitsi



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