

How to meet building regulations without sacrificing creativity, with digital facade planning and access solution support

Explore the delicate balance between creativity and compliance in architectural design with our latest article. Discover how innovative digital tools and expert support can help architects meet building regulations without sacrificing their creative vision.

Diseñar para el futuro: cómo la tecnología de los edificios inteligentes mejora la experiencia del usuario

Descubra cómo la tecnología de edificios inteligentes mejora la experiencia del usuario en el diseño arquitectónico. Explore la mejora de la seguridad, la eficiencia energética y la comodidad personalizada.

Puntos clave a tener en cuenta al especificar soluciones de acceso para tu proyecto

Libere el potencial de su proyecto de construcción con la guía de dormakaba para arquitectos, planificadores y prescriptores. Explore las consideraciones clave, desde la funcionalidad hasta la sostenibilidad, y descubra por qué dormakaba es su socio ideal. Mejore sus entradas con soluciones de acceso personalizadas, asistencia de expertos y un compromiso con la estética, la seguridad y la sostenibilidad. Dé una primera impresión impactante y garantice el éxito de su proyecto con dormakaba.

10 preguntas clave para elegir las soluciones de acceso adecuadas para tu proyecto

Growing urbanization and the advent of digital transformation have fundamentally changed how we interact with our surroundings. In an increasingly complex and interconnected world, ensuring the security and efficiency of business has become paramount. Whether it is data security or keeping physical infrastructure secure, it is critical to keep business premises safe.

Revolucionando la industria de la construcción: una mirada al interior del proyecto openDBL con Kai Oberste-Ufer de dormakaba

En esta entrevista escrita exclusiva, conversamos con el coordinador del proyecto dormakaba, Kai Oberste-Ufer, director de herramientas y configuradores de planificación de arquitectura, ingeniería y construcción. OpenDBL, un proyecto de investigación financiado por la UE, se ha propuesto transformar el sector de la construcción con el ambicioso objetivo de crear un libro de registro de edificios (DBL) digital y abierto.

Big, Medium, Small: 3 Net-Zero Energy Buildings

Buildings and construction are responsible for 39 percent of the carbon emissions in the world. Operational emissions, meaning the energy required to heat, cool, or light a building, account for 28 percent of overall emissions. As the construction sector is a significant driver of climate change, there’s substantial potential for improvement and environmental action. The World Green Building Council believes that the building and construction sector can eliminate carbon emission by 2050, through the global spread of net-zero energy buildings.

7 Ways Artificial Intelligence Is Revolutionizing Architecture

While most of the buzz around artificial intelligence (AI) may seem new, the concept has been around for more than 60 years. American computer scientist John McCarthy, known as the “Father of AI,” coined the term “artificial intelligence” in the 1950s, leading researchers across the United States to dig into the computer learning for processing equations and theorems.

From Sticks to Sleek: A Brief History of Doorknobs

Architecture is among the most imposing and ubiquitous forms of art. It’s impossible to avoid getting in contact with physical structures, which are often designed to appeal to multiple senses. However, despite being surrounded by buildings and living in them, how often do we touch architecture?

Human-Centered Architecture: What is It and How It Makes a Difference

While buildings fulfill the most basic human needs like shelter and security, architecture impacts the emotional state of any person who interacts with it. Whether it’s intended or not, a building can provoke a range of emotions such as belonging, awe, fear, or hope.

These 5 Buildings Rocked Earthquake-Proof Designs

Dozens of buildings crumpled when a deadly earthquake hit Mexico City in 2017, but its gleaming Torre Reforma survived with just a few cracks. It’s often said ‘Earthquakes don’t kill people, buildings do‘. In tremor-prone countries like Mexico and Japan, engineers are using a cocktail of ancient and state-of-the-art techniques to ensure structures stay standing. Building on top of giant shock absorbers, ball bearings or sliding plates along with deep, flexible foundations and robust steel skeletons can help reduce the impact of powerful seismic forces and make a building earthquake-proof.

These 5 Former Industrial Buildings Are Masterclasses in Architectural Repurposing

As our world moves towards Industry 4.0, manufacturing requires fewer resources in terms of raw materials, energy, and space. Hence, particularly in advanced economies, an increasing number of factories and industrial buildings are losing their relevance and lie abandoned.

How Green Building Technologies Are Transforming Home Construction

Our built environment generates about 40 percent of the global carbon emissions. Almost a quarter of this comes from operational emissions, such as the energy needed to heat, cool, and run our buildings, while the remaining quarter is from materials and construction.

Las próximas grandes tendencias sobre BIM

Durante los últimos 20 años, el modelado de información para la construcción (BIM) se ha convertido en una herramienta fundamental en la industria, ya que permite que diferentes disciplinas colaboren de manera fácil e instantánea en todo un proyecto, desde las fases de diseño hasta las de construcción. Y a medida que la tecnología y el ecosistema que lo rodean sigan evolucionando, la influencia del BIM no hará más que aumentar. La gran pregunta es, dado que se prevé que el mercado del BIM crezca a una tasa compuesta anual del 15% entre 2020 y 2027, ¿cuáles son las tendencias clave que podemos esperar?

Entorno Común de Datos (CDE) para BIM: 7 preguntas con respuesta

Como la industria de la construcción ya no depende de planos dibujados a mano, cualquier proyecto de construcción genera grandes cantidades de datos digitales durante todo su ciclo de vida. Ya sea que la construcción en cuestión sea un pequeño proyecto de modernización o un enorme campus universitario, es imprescindible crear y compartir datos incalculables durante su ciclo de vida.

Edificios de acceso sin contacto

Las nuevas restricciones y sensibilidades introducidas en nuestras sociedades por la COVID-19 obligaron a muchos arquitectos y diseñadores a repensar y reimaginar nuestro entorno construido. El resultado es un número cada vez mayor de edificios diseñados para minimizar el contacto, optimizar el flujo de aire fresco y gestionar el tráfico peatonal de manera más eficiente.



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September 27, 2023

Greenbuild International Conference + Expo

The Greenbuild International Conference + Expo is the largest annual event for green building professionals worldwide, and serves as a hub for leaders to develop the next generation of sustainable standards to create a better future for everyone on the planet.

November 28, 2023

Mundo BIM 2023

Durante los últimos 6 años, BIM World MUNICH es la plataforma de redes líder para todas las partes interesadas en las industrias de la construcción, el inmobiliario y el desarrollo urbano.

March 7, 2024

Building Specifiers Networking

Grupo Vía organizes a new edition in Madrid where manufacturers and architecture professionals will exchange information on the market's needs.

April 3, 2024

BIM World Paris

Building Innovating Managing the construction & real estate world

April 23, 2024


Nordbygg is the Nordic region's largest meeting place for the building and construction industry and gathers visitors from Sweden, but also from the rest of Scandinavia, The Baltic states and Europe.
