Training Path for B-COMM
Training Course

Beginner Training B-COMM

Number or participants
no limits
Languages available
Target groups
If you are a dormakaba partner
Follow these guidelines

Training Goals

You will learn many key oncepts on these categories:

  • Electronic Access Control
  • Time & Attendance
  • EAD Hardware & EAD Software Solutions
  • Identification Media
  • Computer Networks

After completing these courses, you will be able to…

Electronic Access Control

  • define the basic elements and fundamentals of a door,
  • determine what is meant by access control,
  • distinguish between different types of access control,
  • explain the steps of access authorization.

Time & Attendance

  • explain the advantages and terminology of this topic,
  • define the components of time & attendance systems,
  • explain the processing of time events and the use of workflows.

EAD Hardware & EAD Software Solutions

  • get information about the access manager, readers, registration units, terminals, and standalone components,
  • name the important decision points of system solutions with the combination of hardware and software,
  • you get an overview of the dormakaba EAD software solutions,
  • explain the advantages and target groups of standalone products.

Identification Media

  • Get an overview (biometrics, RFID, Barcode, Magnetic Stripes, Bluetooth, NFC, and RCID) and distinguish media technology used in the EAD environment,
  • Explain the technical basics of RFID, important standards, applications, and manufacturers.

Computer Networks

  • explain how the various components of network communication with each other,
  • identify the most important components and services of a network and explain their tasks,
  • explain the connection between IP addresses and network masks,
  • list the most important differences between IPv4 and IPv6.

Training Topics

Electronic Access Control (90min)

  • Basic elements of a doorBasics of access control
  • Basic types of electronic access control systems
  • Components of the electronic access control system

Time & Attendance (40min)

  • Basics of Time & Attendance I
  • Processing of time events

EAD Hardware & EAD Software Solutions (80min)

  • Overview of Electronic Devices
  • Overview of StandaloneComponents
  • Overview of EAD software solutions

Identification Media (60min)

  • Media Technology
  • Basics of RFID

Computer Networks (90min)

  • Basics of Computer Networks
  • Addressing of devices


Participation in:
No previous requirements

To bring along

bcomm/ 1/ Beginner