The dormakaba 360° City app enables a digital experience of using our extensive product portfolio.
The application features more than 80 products in five different sectors:
A series of integrated videos helps you familiarize yourself with the functions of each product.
You can also switch between languages without restarting the application.
If you want more detailed product information, you can switch from the dormakaba 360° City app to the product browser at any time.
Travel through our award-winning virtual city with the 360 City app and see our solutions in situ and in action.
The app features more than 80 products across five sectors, from industrial and residential to airport, hotel and healthcare.
Download it form your favourite App marketplace:
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Until then, you can send us an email at
I wish you a good day,
Your dormakaba hotel team
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6161 E 75th Street
Indianapolis, Indiana 46250